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Agency for international CRM and newsletter marketing

Our expertise:
  • Long-term and target-oriented CRM strategies for your company 
  • Newsletter Management with layout, recipient clustering and performance analysis
  • Specialized in international newsletter marketing

Send the right messages: As Agency for international CRM and newsletter marketing we support you in the development of a long-term and promising CRM strategythat is perfectly tailored to your business model. Based on comprehensive analyses, we optimize your Receiver cluster and create appealing Newsletter contents.

"CRM is more than just selling. We develop the right strategy and approach to win over your customers and retain them in the long term."

Marcel2 MAX WWW
Marcel Willms
Managing Director qwp
CRM strategy

What characterizes a convincing CRM strategy?


Customer loyalty, conversion, up- and cross-selling

What goals can be achieved with a CRM strategy?

A CRM strategy can be used to achieve various goals that need to be defined in advance. The primary goal is long-term customer loyalty, which can be achieved through informative and transactional mailings. Informative newsletters can draw attention to new products from your company, draw attention to an extension of the service or create inspiring moments. One of the key objectives of a CRM strategy is to increase conversion. The aim is to turn a potential customer into a buyer. Upselling and cross-selling are worthwhile for customers who are already familiar with your company, service or product. With upselling, the strategy is aimed at upgrading the product/service previously purchased, while with cross-selling, related or complementary products are suggested to the customer. Above all, the intention is to sustainably increase your sales through intensive customer care.

How are touchpoints created and a customer journey developed?

First of all, touchpoints must be created that represent the starting point of a successful customer journey. Your company can be perceived via various channels such as radio, TV or print advertising and PR measures. Online, this can be mapped via the marketing channels SEO, SEA, company website, social media, reviews or webinars. Then the sales aspects come into play, as customers have ideally bought a product or used a service or have expressed their interest via the website, a forum, a chat, a telephone call or a newsletter subscription. The latter must be converted into buyers and ultimately all of them must be retained by the company in the long term. Mailings, events, surveys, offers and informative newsletters can be used to achieve this.

MAILING variants

Marketing emails vs. transactional emails vs. trigger emails

Marketing mails

Marketing e-mails have a sales-promoting character with informative content or motivations to buy. 

Transactional emails are triggered by an action on the part of the customer or require an active action.

Trigger mails are based on an event and are only sent to the customer once the trigger has been activated.

Transactional emails and newsletter management

Added value of transactional emails and newsletter management

How do transactional emails add value?

The potential of transactional emails is underestimated by most companies. The user is already in the conversion funnel and only needs a little persuasion to convert. Small measures can already have a big impact in this case. In addition to the content that is triggered by the customer's actions, calls-to-action (CTA) can be integrated to encourage the prospective customer to contact you again. In the case of an abandoned shopping cart, up- and cross-selling and possible discounts may be successful. Additional products/services can be integrated into an order or booking confirmation. Use the power of design and the right customer approach. Activating colors such as red or orange increase conversion and a modern design increases the feel-good factor. Images increase interest anyway and use the corporate language to create trust with the customer.

What tasks does modern newsletter management involve?

Newsletter management poses huge challenges for many companies, as it is very detailed and involves high requirements. We support you in analyzing your current newsletter activities in terms of presentation, readability on various devices and subdivision into different groups. Part of this is a performance analysis, which must not only be carried out proactively, but constantly. Newsletter management includes the restructuring and clustering of international customers in order to find the ideal approach and create suitable offers. This usually results in a variety of optimization measures in order to achieve the desired goals. With the focus on increasing customer loyalty and sustainably increasing sales, newsletter management from a single source is very promising.

Newsletter Conversion

What characterizes good converting newsletters?

Newsletter Creation

Relevance and added value in newsletter creation

How do you create appealing newsletter content?

The two key keywords in this context are "relevance" and "added value". If the subject line is not considered relevant by the customer, the open rate is likely to be automatically reduced. The reference to the customer's interests or an already purchased product/service must already be established there. The same applies to content that should also offer added value. Either supplementary and additional products are offered or the customer is encouraged to make a purchase through interest-oriented inspiration. The content should be provided with a personal name and activating verbs and a conversational tone should be used to create trust. Tailor-made product recommendations by clustering customers with a slightly promotional character sustainably increase the CTR. Respond to the input of your readers in subsequent campaigns. Try to create a personal level of communication through your newsletter content.

The best tips for improving the open rate and click rate

The open and click rates are important KPIs in newsletter management. It is important to keep an eye on both values and continuously improve them. The key to success is a tidy address book with appropriately defined target groups and optimally managed email addresses. All dead or inactive email addresses should be deleted in order to increase quality. The open rate can be increased with a creative subject line and a trustworthy sender. Potential spam terms should definitely be banned from the subject line or the content. The "EmailChecky" tool can be used to check the trustworthiness of your own newsletter. The click rate, in turn, can be improved with excellent content, an optimized presentation and relevant calls to action. The rule of thumb of "design + target group + urgency" can also be applied to newsletters. Phrases such as "While stocks last", "Don't miss out" or "24-hour shopping countdown" create a pressure situation that the customer must actively deal with. With a follow-up mailing to addresses that have not been opened and regular feedback surveys, many customers feel valued.


What data protection measures must be observed?

Newsletter tracking

Important KPIs for newsletter distribution

Which KPIs are important when tracking newsletters?

Tracking newsletters is ideal for quality assurance. There are various KPIs that need to be monitored. The delivery rate is a value that must be checked regularly after sending. Have all email addresses been reached, are there any dead addresses or can the provider not guarantee delivery? The open rate provides information on how often the newsletter was viewed. The click rate is used to monitor how many recipients have reached the store or website via the newsletter. The CTR (click through rate) is then calculated from this number. Finally, the unsubscribe rate provides information about the quality of the newsletter.

How can the KPIs be sustainably improved in an international context?

The delivery rate is improved through qualitative newsletter management by regularly checking the delivery quality and adjusting the address book. The opening rate can be optimized using A/B testing with different subject lines and the time of sending. International customers in particular may have different Internet usage habits or can be encouraged with a different approach. The CTR and clicks can be increased if the CTAs are tested with regard to colors, positioning and labeling. A test mailing is essential to ensure the functionality of the newsletter. Basically, testing is an important measure in CRM optimization that should not be ignored.

Scale newsletter distribution list

Gain new newsletter subscribers

Tools & Tips

Which tools are suitable for international CRM projects?

  • Newsletter2Go = BREVO
  • Benchmark
  • Mailjet
  • CleverReach 
  • Newstroll

Trusted by these clients

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Frequently asked questions

What distinguishes marketing emails from transactional emails?

Both types of mail are used in newsletter management. While marketing emails have sales-promoting content and create inspiring moments, transactional emails are triggered by an active action on the part of the customer, for example an order. Transactional emails can be instrumentalized for marketing with targeted measures such as suggestions for additional or similar products.

Which KPIs are relevant for international CRM?

The most important KPIs in the international CRM sector include the delivery rate, the open rate and the click rate. The latter can be further enhanced by determining the CTR. Finally, the unsubscribe rate must also be considered as a KPI in order to ensure quality over a longer period of time.

What are the key tasks in newsletter management?

The core task of newsletter management is to analyze the existing data. Based on this, optimization measures must be developed that lead to an increase in the number of subscribers in an international context, as well as to an increase in the open rate and the click rate.

What does CRM support include?

CRM support includes the development of a CRM strategy for the respective company, the identification of key customer touchpoints, an optimal customer journey and content creation for newsletters. Everything is based on comprehensive tracking and in-depth analysis.
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